Chapter four:
Teen Talk supporting materials

This chapter contains information relevant to the content of the Teen Talk training materials and links to further support. This does not form part of the training materials, but the information is available to support you in your training and further learning. Dip into it whenever you feel it may be useful. If you have any suggestions for other useful information which could go into this chapter, contact the Teen Talk team.

This chapter signposts to relevant research, resources, online campaigns and policy. There are no learning outcomes as such, though users of Teen Talk are encouraged to reflect on their need for further professional development around speech, language and communication.

Support strategies

Use these resources in your work practice with young people with language disorders, divided into areas such as: supporting expressive language, or addressing bullying.

Address bullying (PDF, 343KB)

Help establish an atmosphere of support across the workplace (PDF, 422KB)

Support expressive language (PDF, 337KB)

Support social communication (PDF, 340KB)

Support the structuring of ideas (PDF, 532KB)

Support the transition from school to work (PDF, 427KB)

Other resources

More information on children’s and young people’s communication, specific speech, language or communication needs, supporting young people during the transition from education to employment, and governmental reports and policy relating to language disorders.

General information on children’s communication (PDF, 168KB)

Speech sound development (PDF, 244KB)

Bloom and Lahey linguistic model (PDF, 471KB)

Government reports and policy (PDF, 273KB)

Information on particular diagnoses (PDF, 276KB)

Supporting communication in people with SLCN (PDF, 439KB)

Supporting transition and participation in people with SLCN (PDF, 558KB)


Terms used in the training package. Depending on your experience and knowledge, some of these may already be familiar to you.

Glossary of terms (PDF, 292KB)


List of references we have used in creating the Teen Talk training package.

References (PDF, 303KB)